Sunday, April 29, 2007


Read it once -

"Quoted in the vedas:

Donate with kind words
Donate with sincerity
Donate with happiness
Donate only to the needy
Donate with the intention that the receiver should prosper
Donate with your wife's consent
Donate to other people without putting your dependents in a helpless state
Donate without expectation because it is not agift, it is a duty
Donate without caring for caste, creed and religion"

6 Jabs:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good advice.For a change its nice to know something good is written in Vedas.

9:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice piece 4m d vedas
Got a nice blog here..keep writing :)

11:25 PM  
Blogger Sajith said...

"for a change"!... is there something that u didnt like in d vedas?

11:36 PM  
Blogger Sajith said...

Thanks.. sure will :)

11:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, Its not that. People bash Vedas these days. Its in fashion. So its nice to see, someone is writing the opposite and not being politically correct. Time for new post. :-)

10:30 PM  
Blogger Sajith said...

Well not aware about the vedas... Its just what I read in some book and I liked it...
About the new post.. yep.. I know its time.. but i dnt find the time to write nowadays..till then u can go through the other posts.... and "time for a new post" to u too... ;)

10:41 PM  

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